After Hour Emergency

When emergencies strike late, we're here to set it right.


If the emergency is life-threatening, call 9-1-1 immediately!

If you smell gas or have a carbon monoxide detector ringing, turn off the gas shut-off to the utilities, open the windows, and contact PG&E at (800) 743-5000.

Below is a list of property-threatening emergencies that require immediate attention:

  • Sink, tub, or toilet overflowing and the water cannot be stopped.
  • Uncontrollable amount of water leaking through pipes or ceiling. (If it is a small drip, use a pot or something similar to catch the water and call the office on the next business day).
  • Sewage back up and there is no other usable bathroom at the property.
  • Anything that endangers life or poses severe damage risk to the property if not corrected immediately qualifies for emergency service.


The Emergency Line is for after-hours emergencies only.
Please do not use this number for non-emergency requests or matters unrelated to maintenance. For property-threatening emergencies after hours, please search for your properties emergency number.

Some maintenance issues may not be able to be handled immediately.
For example, if you are calling at midnight about sewage back up, a plumber may not be able to go out until morning. Please keep this in mind when calling, especially if it’s late.

If you are not sure if you are experiencing an emergency, please refer to our FAQ below.

Find your Properties Emergency Number Below
